Friday, May 18, 2012

Title Page

Your title page needs to have a heading that is centered in the top half of the page and double-spaced:  The running header needs to be included in a header (not typed straight into the paper).  To do this in Word click on Insert- Header- New.

At the bottom of the page- click insert- page break.  This forces all following text to start on a new page.


American Psychological Association. (2010).  Publication manual of the American Psychological

         Association (6th ed.).


  1. This is a new way to set up an APA formatted paper for me. It is a whole lot better and easier to me than before.

  2. This is a great way to re-learn the basics on how to create your intro to your paper. I am learning more everyday. Sweet, simple, and to the point I have found to be the most effective tool. Simply put... less is more.

  3. So page numbers go in the upper left corner not the right?

  4. Anonymous,
    No. The page number goes on the right. Look at the picture above as a sample.
